Our School bears the very suggestive name of the birds with the longest wings, which need the wind to navigate in the air. The School is undoubtedly the main reason for being the Club Náutico del Pacífico: it trains new sailors and perfects the sport and art of navigation. This will allow us to be better and better and to project ourselves into the future, through new generations that will stand out more and more not only for their drive and youth, but for the excellence of their knowledge, practice and discipline in the art of sailing.
The Albatros Sailing School welcomes students from Cali, from the Calima-Darién region, Restrepo and Yotoco region and from the entire Valle del Cauca in their commitment to contribute to their training as sailors, athletes and people interested in the common welfare.

In each of the boat class that we practice in the Club, sailor students can count on an option for their individualized improvement guided by instructors of the highest qualifications in the Country, who will agree in each case on the programs that best fit their needs, the disposition and potential of each of the students, whatever their level of knowledge and practice.

The Club offers various forms of group courses: from activities such as "Open Days" in which the visit of a group (a school course, for example) is programmed to know the facilities and practice different water sports, through scheduled courses for beginner, medium and advanced levels (the so-called Clinics), in groups of two athletes onwards, to train and perfect themselves in any of our sports, for certain periods of time, according to the needs and projection of the athletes.
The Club is fortunate to have among its members Level I Instructors of the World Sailing who, in addition to being experienced and capable sailors, have competed at national and international level and, in turn, have been in charge of training instructors to lead in their improvement to sailors in the Club, according to the needs and schedules that are being established.

From the "Optimist" category to the Day Sailers, passing through the "Laser", "Sunfish", International 420 and all other classes of boats, the Club offers current and training sailors the possibility to begin or improve your sports knowledge and skills, through practice guided by endorsed instructors.
The permanent winds that we enjoy all year round at Lake Calima are the best boost for fans who want to perfect themselves in this sport. The Club has one of the best instructors in the Southwest of Colombia. It also has the best learning tables and sails in sufficient quantity.

In the Calima-Darién region, some children and youngsters enjoy special treatment that allows them to join in the practice of water sports within their economic possibilities. The Club policy bears wonderful results by stimulating sports practice and values, encouraging inclusion. On the other hand, the Club is strongly committed to respect for nature and the conservation of the entire eco-system, as well as the search for the development of our entire area of influence. We work on this together with CELSIA and COMFANDI as well as other organizations that promote the ecological and tourist development of the region such as FONAVIEMCALI .
Following the policy issued by the Board of Trustees, the monthly fee for the sailors coming from neighboring municipalities (Calima Darién, Restrepo and Yotoco) is set annually, remaining at the lowest cost in the country. For the years 2019 and 2020 it is $ 50,000 per month. This fee is collected in the first five days of the month. Students living in other Municipalities or Cities pay a monthly fee of $ 100,000. If an athlete shows a delay of more than a month, he is considered inactive and he is invited to regularize his payments in order to be able to enjoy again the possibility of continuing his training.